Graduation at California Institute of Technology

Our Scholarships

The Los Angeles Philanthropic Foundation awards scholarship funds to six outstanding private colleges and universities in Southern California.

A $3000 scholarship is awarded initially to students in their sophomore year and is renewable for junior and senior years provided that the student continues to meet scholarship criteria.

LAPF scholarship recipients, who are selected by their schools, must meet the following criteria:

 The recipient must demonstrate a financial aid need of at least $3000 per year.
 The recipient must have attained and must continue to maintain a grade point average of 3.0.
 Any new recipient must be majoring in one of the following fields: Business, the Physical or Life Sciences, Mathematics or other Formal Science, or the Applied Sciences of Pre-Medicine, Nursing, Engineering or Computer Science.
 The recipient must be on an academic trajectory to complete a baccalaureate degree within five years of undergraduate study.
 The recipient must be involved in extra-curricular school activities and community service.
 The recipient must be a citizen of the United States and must uphold the values of the U.S. Constitution.